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Scholarship Opportunities

Scholarship Opportunities
Aghealth Benefits Alliance Scholarship Foundation

What is the AHBA Educational Program?
It is a program that provides scholarships for career advancement opportunities through education, be it in agriculture or elsewhere.

Who can apply?
Current participants in the Ag Health Benefits group health program and certain family members can apply. This includes children and grandchildren under age 25.

We now offer two scholarship opportunities!
Academic: For education at a community college, four-year college, or university. Click Here
Vocational: For job training, certification programs, or trade schools. Click Here

When is the application period?
Applications are accepted between March 1 – 31.

How and when are winners chosen?
Scholarships are issued with proof of enrollment and acceptance of program terms

How can a scholarship help someone in my family?
This scholarship could make it possible for you or a family member to attend school for the first time, complete an education, or pursue a goal that has always been a dream.

Bilingual flyer and what our past award winners have to say.

For English Click Here

For Spanish Click Here

Read about the scholarships awarded in 2024. Click Here

For full program details, Click Here

Questions? Please contact us at (707) 963-7191.

Thanks to Mike Wolf, the Michael L Wolf Trust and many others for the generous donations that make this program possible.

AHBA is non-profit 501(c)3 organization, Federal Tax ID#83-443051. If you are interested in making a tax deductible contribution, please contact [email protected]

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